Gluten, Dairy, Sugar, and egg free Christmas pudding


Suitable for celiac, diabetics, those who suffer with Dairy intolerance, chronic fatigue suffers, and also vegans.



100g Soya flour

100g Rice flour

100g Corn flour

50g Ground almonds

50g Brazilian nuts (chopped up fine)

50g Walnuts (broken up to make smaller)

200g Dried dates

100g Raisons

100g Sultanas

100g Mix fruit and peal

100g Prunes

50g Dried apricots

100g dried cranberries 

1 Apple

1 Orange grated rind and juiced

1 Lemon grated rind and juiced

2 Bananas

400g Grated carrots

Large chunk of ginger

Small glass of port or sherry

½ cup of filtered or spring water

¾ Cup sunflower oil

½ tsp ground ginger

½ tsp turmeric

½ tsp nutmeg

½ tsp cinnamon

2 tbsp of cocoa powder


Put the dates and water in a saucepan and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring often. Turn off the heat, peal and grate the apple and peal and grate the ginger, add both to the date mix, peal and cut up the bananas and mash and add this to the mix also. Stir all together.

Cut up the prunes and remove the stones, pop the prunes, Sultanas, raisons, dried apricots and mixed fruit and peal to a small bowl and pore over the port and leave to stand.

Peal and grate the carrots,

Grate the orange and lemon peal and squeeze the juice from the orange and lemon and add this to the fruit mix.

Add the Flours, ground almonds, turmeric, nutmeg, ground ginger, cinnamon, mix spice, cocoa powder, dates mix, sunflower oil, and the grated carrots to a mixing bowl and mix with a wooden spoon. Add the fruit and nuts and stir in.

Put the mix into a large bowl,(About 10") leaving at least ¾” gap from the top (to allow for rising). Place tin foil over the bowl and elastic band it so it won’t fall off. Place in a very large saucepan and fill with water up to just below the top of the bowl (avoiding any water getting into the mixture) Bring to the boil and let it simmer away for 3 hours (toping up the water every hour). Allow to cool before turning it out on to a plate.

Make it a few days before Christmas and don’t turn it out onto a plate if you are going to re-heat it Christmas day.

Re-heat instructions: cover with foil and elastic band it down, place in a large saucepan and add water and simmer for  ½ hours and turn out onto a plate and serve.


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